Choose Your Hard: Running Towards Growth

In the realm of ultra marathons, a world I've come to know intimately, there's a phrase that resonates deeply with me: "Choose your hard." This concept isn't just about running; it's a powerful life lesson on growth, resilience, and the pursuit of what truly matters. Running, especially over extreme distances, epitomizes this choice. It's hard. Yet, so is living a life that falls short of your potential. Here's why choosing the hard path of running can lead to unparalleled growth.

The Hard of Discipline vs. The Hard of Regret

Choosing to wake up before dawn for a training run is hard. Facing inclement weather, fatigue, and discomfort is hard. However, the alternative—the regret of not pursuing your goals, the stagnation of unchallenged potential—is a different kind of hard. One leads to growth; the other to stagnation.

Growth Lies Outside the Comfort Zone

Comfort is easy. It's also deceiving. Staying within the comfort zone might seem appealing, but it rarely leads to the sense of achievement that comes from pushing your limits. The hard path of running, with its ups and downs, teaches us that growth is a product of discomfort.

Resilience Built Mile by Mile

Each mile on the trail or road builds more than just physical endurance; it forges mental toughness. The resilience gained through overcoming the urge to stop when every fiber of your being wants to give in is invaluable. This resilience translates into other areas of life, preparing you to face challenges with a runner's grit.

The Reward of Achieving the Seemingly Impossible

Crossing the finish line of an ultra marathon is a moment of pure triumph. It's hard earned and deeply satisfying. This reward, the result of choosing the hard path, provides a profound sense of accomplishment that permeates all aspects of life. It’s a testament to what’s possible when you commit to your goals, no matter how daunting they may seem.

A Community That Chooses Hard Together

One of the most beautiful aspects of running is the community. Surrounding yourself with others who also choose the hard path provides an unparalleled source of support, inspiration, and camaraderie. This community reinforces the idea that while the journey is hard, it's also shared and ultimately rewarding.

Call to Action:

Are you ready to choose your hard? To embrace the challenges, push beyond your limits, and discover what you're truly capable of? Join our community of runners who share your determination and spirit. Get plugged into my coaching program. Together, let's tackle the hard path and run towards our fullest potential.

Choosing your hard is about more than just running; it's a philosophy for life. Embrace the challenges, for they are the gateways to growth and fulfillment. Let's embark on this journey together, one step, one mile, one hard choice at a time.

Zachary Zovath